The eighth open session of the College Council

The convening of the eighth open session of the College Council

With the chairmanship of Mr. Dean of the College of Oil and Gas Techniques Engineering – Kirkuk, Assistant Professor Dr. Obed Majeed Ali, and the presence of the council members, the eighth open session of the Faculty Council was held. Several matters were discussed, including:

1. Regular follow-up on quality assurance and institutional accreditation standards.
2. Discussion of matters related to the implementation of the Bologna system.
3. Discuss scientific matters at the college and emphasize monitoring research publications according to the scientific plan.
4. Emphasis on students updating their information for ID printing.
5. Initiating preparations for the Innovation Exhibition to be held on (17-18) April.
6. Printing posters for the projects of participants in the innovation exhibition.
We provide space for students to participate in competitions held at our college.

At the end of the meeting, the Dean thanked the council members and called for concerted efforts to complete the requirements for the educational process and meet all requirements.”