Prof Guide

Full NameAcademic titleSpecific specializationEmailsubjects
Dr.Ahmed Saadallah Salman LecturerThermodynamics Engineering[email protected]Sustainable energy, graduation project.
Dr.Galawesh Noori Taher Asst ProfBiochemistrygalawesh 66 Chemistry , Clinical Chemistry
Mohammed Z. HasanAsst ProfMetallurgical Engineering[email protected] engineering workshops-Projects
Dr.Naseer.T.AlwanLecturerRenewable Energy Engineering[email protected]-
Dr.Morad A RadhaLecturerChemical Engineering[email protected] Marerial Balances, Energy Balances, Graduation Project
Dr.Mohammed Qader AbdulrahmanLecturerChemical Engineering[email protected]Mass Transfer + Engineering Mechanics
Dr.Afrah Turki AwadLecturerMechanical Engineering[email protected]Air conditioning system + gradation project (2)
Dr.Najwa Mousa LatifLecturerChemistry[email protected]Analytical and organic chemistry, natural gas processing, computer basics
Dr.osama ali ibrahemLecturerCommercial Law[email protected]Human rights and democracy_Professional ethic_ Arabic_ Baath Party crimes
Dr.Jamal faith Ali LecturerThe Sciences of the Quran[email protected]language arabic
Professional ethics
FAISAL GHAZI BESHAWLecturerControl Systems Engineering[email protected]English
Asan Suad Mohammed LecturerThermodynamics Engineering[email protected]Heat transfer 1
Heat transfer 2
Petroleum refinery
Safety industrial
AZHAR ABDULWAHHAB ALIAsst Lecturer"Physics[email protected]Practical Measurements and Control
Hasnaa Saleh KhalafAsst LecturerEducational Psychology[email protected]Eglish+ Arabic+ Scientific Research Methods
Hanan Mohamad AKbarAsst LecturerThermodynamics Engineering[email protected]Energy Resources-Physical Chemistry-Renewable Energy
Hayder Mahmood Hameed Asst LecturerChemical Engineering[email protected] Principle of chemical engineering + instrument instruction
Saad saleem mareiAsst LecturerMathematics[email protected]Mathematics4 _ Numerical analytics _
computer programming
Saygin siddiq ahmedAsst Lecturer"Electronic Engineering[email protected]Computer Principles - Power Electronic - Project Management-Graduation Project

ISAM EZZULDDIN YOUSIF Asst LecturerPower Generation Engineering[email protected] COMBUSTION TECHNOLOGY
Ali Jasim Mohammed Asst LecturerThermodynamics Engineering[email protected] Engineering drawing
Laith Ali HusseinAsst Lecturernformation Systems[email protected]Computer Principles -Matlab Application -Engineering Drowing

Marwa khaleel RashidAsst LecturerMechanical Engineering[email protected]Morning study: Engineering Mechanics
Thermodynmics Principles
Evening study: Engineering Mechanics / Dynamics
Maha Adnan DawoodAsst LecturerChemical Engineering[email protected]Modeling and simulation + design of laboratories and equipment
Noor Ahmed awadAsst LecturerChemical Engineering[email protected]Reactor design.uint operation